Understanding women, relationship advice for men

Men, having trouble with Lady Love and can’t figure out what you did wrong? We’ll tell you why and how to maintain the spark in your relationship and a guide to understanding women.

Raman Kumar
3 min readOct 16, 2020

There’s more you need to know than just a pick-up line if you want to keep that special lady in your life. Your buddies may look up to you as a ladies’ man, but a serious relationship demands more from you. It’s a whole different ball-game compared to dating.

There are 4 tips you can use to successfully build a healthy, fulfilling long-term relationship. Take these advice of understanding women to heart if you wish to be a happier man.

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  • First thing to remember is your partner is not one of your “guy” friends. You may enjoy long hours hanging out with the boys with hardly a word spoken to each other; but your lady likes to be acknowledged. She likes to talk and to be noticed. This is something for you to take special note of. You’ll soon see a difference in the way your lady treats you when you put this into practice.

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  • Both men and women perceive intimacy very differently. Most men would understand intimacy as sex only. Women, on the other hand, attach a different meaning to intimacy. It ranges from stolen hugs or kisses in the hallway before work, or brushing against each other as you pass by on the way out the door. It may also mean snuggling on the couch together or simply holding hands. This advise can help you develop a strong connection in your relationship to stand the test of time. Even when the desire for sex may wane after a certain period.

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  • Another key factor in maintaining a long-term relationship is communication. This topic is so hot that books had been written solely to explore on the differences of communication between men and women. It is certainly a sensitive and tricky issue. However, it would help greatly for you to learn what the key differences are in order to bridge the gap with your partner. You’d want to learn how to let her share her feelings with you, help work out your problems and more. You could also learn how to put your messages across effectively to your partner. Better communication cuts down on unnecessary conflicts and naturally leads to a meaningful relationship.

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  • Although men are generally perceived to be more action-driven, women tend to be more verbal. On this note, you may want to consider taking both measures when working out issues in your relationship. One suggestion is for you to say you love her more frequently. In
    addition, you could express your feelings for her by helping out with the household chores; always consider her feelings before you act and making romantic gestures; and so forth.

In conclusion, it’s best for men to do some research and study up the differences between men and women. Without a doubt, there are several obvious differences between the genders but, I guess, that’s nature’s way of spicing things up.

What’s important is that you always value your partner by showing you care for her and support her. Your willingness and sincerity in trying to make the relationship work can help you go the distance. Remember that no gesture is too small and coupled with the right words, will make a great impact for your partner.



Raman Kumar

Blogger, Writer, Affiliate Marketing, Make money online, digital marketing, work from home.