I want my girlfriend back

Raman Kumar
3 min readOct 15, 2020

I want my girlfriend back

How to get back at your ex –

How Do You Make Your Boyfriend Want You Again

Previously in another article, we’ve covered 3 simple steps on ways to save your troubled marriage together as a couple. But what happens if your spouse is non-responsive to the problems in your marriage. It would seem as if you are alone in realizing that your marriage is on the rocks and your spouse is oblivious to what’s going on.

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Even though it could be extremely difficult to save your marriage on your own, it is still not impossible. But it has to be your choice to make the first move.

In this article, we will look at 6 initiatives you can do to start on how to save your marriage. Similar as before, first you need to identify what the problem areas are. Only then can you brainstorm for solutions to overcome the problems. Next, you could attempt to initiate an open and honest communication with your spouse. After observing the results, you may put into action whatever you’ve discussed and show how serious you are about saving your marriage. You may need to re-evaluate the situation after this step and take a different course of action if there is still no response from your spouse. Above all, we’ll discuss how a positive attitude can influence good results from your strategy.

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It is sticky business if you are working out your marital problems on your own. Because it means that you would only be able to identify issues that are obvious to you. You wouldn’t be able to get the whole picture without input from your spouse, but it’s a good start. The trick is to look out for the major cracks in your marriage that would probably be obvious to you and your spouse.

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Next step is to brainstorm for solutions to the problems you’ve identified. Once again, be prepared to face difficulties as you are working it out on your own. There are bound to be challenges without participation from your spouse. But try to implement the solutions that you’ve formulated.

After trying that out, you may want to start a dialogue with your spouse. Make it known to him/her that you are attempting to save the marriage on your own and state what you’ve done so far. Hopefully, your spouse would be inspired by your actions, and begin to participate. If not, continue to share your findings with him/her and more importantly, listen carefully to your spouses’ responses.

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Now that you’ve initiated the communication, your spouse may or may not decide to partake in your attempt to save your marriage. Nevertheless, you should back up your words and put into action what’s been discussed. If you’ve been less caring to your spouse’s needs in the past, then it’s time to put in the effort to be more attentive to him/her. In a way, you are telling your spouse that you mean what you said and are willing to make the necessary changes to save this marriage.

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But then again, you may still face a stumbling block and there is no change to your spouse’s non-responsiveness. So, it’s time to re-evaluate and probably take a different course of action. Observe what happens at this point. Hopefully, it would yield better results.

Lastly, I’d like to point out that no matter how difficult it turns out to be, try to remain positive. A positive attitude ensures that you are working towards the best possible outcome for both you and your partner. Ultimately,

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If you are still unsuccessful at the end, you’ll know you’ve given it your best shot.

Always bear in mind, that even if you’re working it out on your own, you are never on the losing end. It would be worth every effort that you put in. If you are successful in inspiring your partner to work with you in saving your marriage, your relationship could blossom to a higher level than it was before. If you can’t save your marriage at the end, you’ll still be a happier and stronger person knowing that you’ve done all that is humanly possible by trying.



Raman Kumar

Blogger, Writer, Affiliate Marketing, Make money online, digital marketing, work from home.