How to make a long distance relationship work

Raman Kumar
4 min readOct 16, 2020


If you are in a long distance relationship, you’ve probably heard your friends or family saying or at least hinting that it may not work. Even if they do say nice things, you can’t help the feeling that they’re not encouraging it.

Relationship on it’s own is already a hard thing and requires work. Adding the distance just post another set of challenges that couples will have to face. Although it may be true that many long distance relationships failed, same can also be said about normal relationships. And in this age of internet dating, global workplace and traveling, being in love with someone at a distant land is becoming more common that ever. If you belong to these groups of people, you may want find out how to make a long distance relationship work.


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Believe it or not, long distance relationship CAN actually work. There have been numerous successful life-long partners that came out of it. You do however need to put in the extra effort in communication, understanding and good old planning. The common reason that most people are willing to go into it is because they found someone who shares similar interest, goals and values that they didn’t find with anyone else. So they take the chance to get emotionally involved even if the partner is far away. There is nothing wrong with that but do keep in mind that this attraction has to be mutual and both parties must genuinely care and have the

Desire to keep the relationship going. This is because the only tool that you have to maintain the relationship is… your words.

In truth, long distance relationship is just like any relationship only that the person is not with you all the time. I can tell you that even couples living in the same house can feel that way sometimes ☺ The only difference is keeping each other feeling “whole” with the other’s presence. The real hurdle that a couple will have to go through is of course being apart. Not having your sweetheart with you all the time can be tough. But thanks to technology you can now video chat, instant message, text and even spend “quality time” with each other digitally. It even has the advantage of knowing that your partner is really communicating with you rather than just distracted physically.


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In fact, there can be many benefits in long distance romances. The thought of having someone special at the other end could be an enough reason for you to take the extra mile. Here are some guidelines that you can use to go the distance.

Communicate, communicate, and communicate

The key to success in any relationship is to communicate. When a couple is living far apart, it is more important that both parties feel that they are a part of each other’s lives. So the best way to let your partner feel included is always keep in contact. Texting and instant massaging may narrow the gap but nothing warms the heart like hearing your sweetheart’s voice. Pick up the phone for 15 minutes daily or even better set a date night for video chatting to tell them how much you miss them. I can guarantee that everyone loves this.


Keeping the romance going while being miles apart can work when both parties are committed to let the relationship grow. Commitment will mean taking time to call, email and keeping in touch. Share your life, be interested in your sweetheart’s mundane daily activities, giving the listening ear and a kind advice if there is a need for one. These will keep both of you closer as you do not have the benefit of body language to guide both of you along.

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This is a tricky one. And this will be tested even more when a couple is far away from each other. Many people have a hard time believing what they hear than what they see. This is quite natural. That is why trust and honesty are the best policies if you want to be a long distance couple. Anyway without them, any relationship is in danger. So by accepting that you have to have trust and faith in your partner could go a long way.

Keeping it alive

Since you can’t be together physically, send your honey a fun photo of you or a surprise gift sealed with a kiss. Show that you are thinking of them despite the distance. Also, it is good if either of you could plan a visit. Make a promise to meet and keep them, this will make both of you happy with anticipation.

Long distance relationship can get lonely at times, especially when you yearn for your partner’s touch. But they say good things come to those who wait and even if you are separated by states or oceans, the shortest distance between 2 hearts is… love.

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Raman Kumar

Blogger, Writer, Affiliate Marketing, Make money online, digital marketing, work from home.