How to get him back and gain his respect

Raman Kumar
4 min readOct 16, 2020


I can truly relate to the heart-rending experience of a relationship break-up. It’s even harder when you think it’s not a good idea in the first place. Read on if you think that your relationship with your ex-boyfriend is truly worth saving.

Couple Romance

But before you do that, keep in mind that some relationship may be better left in the ditch. This is especially so for unhealthy relationships displaying signs of abuse, like violence or serious betrayal. If so, you may want to think again on the idea of getting your ex back.

Otherwise, you’d be happy to know there is something you CAN do to salvage your relationship. The 6 tips below could set you on the way. If your ex doesn’t come running back to you, at least, he’ll seriously examine why he let you slip through his fingers.

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  1. Acknowledge the fact there could some issues in your relationship with your ex. Otherwise why break it up in the first place, right? Remember this is not a blame game. It would be easier to try to work things out when you know what the issues are. It may sound cliché, but it does take two hands to clap. Probably, the “fault” lies in both parties.

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  1. It’s important to give your ex-boyfriend some space. You may state to him clearly what you think the issues are in the relationship. You might want to share why you think things didn’t work out between you and give suggestions on how make to things better. Then, give him the space and time to digest your ideas. This way, you’ll be giving him a choice. Stalking or harassing your ex is something to avoid altogether.
  2. Love yourself. Try to keep yourself fit, eat right and focus on your own well-being. This breakup may prove to be an emotionally-driven period for you. It may well affect your physical health too. But if you continue to make an effort to love and respect yourself, your ex may find you all the more attractive.

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  1. Healthy body, healthy mind. Taking care of your body will lead to a strong and positive mind. Maintain a positive attitude and you might find yourself feeling grateful for what you already have, even if your boyfriend doesn’t get back to you. Fact is, your positive attitude could attract good things and good people around you and it acts like a magnet pulling them into your life.
Simple Hug

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  1. If you’ve always wanted to take up wall climbing or surfing, this is the best time to do it. There can’t be a better time. It sure beats holding your breath and waiting for the phone to ring. When you go out there and explore your interests, you’ll start feeling good about yourself. Have fun and enjoy yourself. It’s a real booster for your self-esteem and you’ll generally be a happier person for it. What’s more, you’ll probably attract positive attention from those around you.

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  1. Open up your mind to endless possibilities. You’ve already done your part. You’ve clearly stated your desire to work things out with your ex. If he’s agreeable to talk it out with you, grab this opportunity to use good communication skills and try to work out your issues. Remember to keep your cool, and don’t let your emotions get in the way. It’s important for the both of you to listen to what each other have to say. Share

Your feelings and observations with him and let him do the same.


Keep in mind all the ingredients to make a relationship work. That is honesty, openness towards each other and being positive. In the end if it still doesn’t work out, your conscience will be clear and you can move on. You know that you did everything that is possible before you decide to let go of that relationship.

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Raman Kumar

Blogger, Writer, Affiliate Marketing, Make money online, digital marketing, work from home.