Basic diet plane

There are three stage of basic diet plane

Raman Kumar
7 min readOct 14, 2020

Easy diet plane/Basic diet plane

Basic diet — part 1 — Carbohydrates

When planning nutrition, there are seven components that the human body needs in order to maintain health. These include carbohydrates, proteins, fats/oils, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and water.

We’re going to talk about the first of these today — carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates (or carbs for short) are getting a lot of bad press these days, especially since the popularization of the Atkins Diet and other similar diets. Simply put though, your body NEEDS carbs in order to function.

Something to keep in mind is that there are two kinds of carbohydrates. The first is simple sugars. These are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream because they are in a chemical form that the body can readily use. Typically you will feel a burst of energy when consuming simple sugars, but many people will also feel a “crash” soon afterwards because just as the simple sugars are easy to assimilate, they are quickly used up and then nothing remains to continue to nourish the body. There is too much difference between the available energy when the sugars are entering the bloodstream and the period soon after when they are gone. This can cause headaches, tiredness and fatigue, irritability, and other results that you may recognize, while other problems are building inside your body that you don’t feel.

In order to process sugar, the body needs insulin. When taking in simple sugars, the body demands insulin (which is made by the pancreas) quickly, because the sugar is ready to use NOW. If you continually eat simple sugars, the pancreas can become stressed with all the stop-start demands for quick insulin production. This is one of the dietary factors that can lead to diabetes, in which the pancreas is no longer able to produce sufficient insulin to process sugars.

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Another problem is that insulin, which has come to be known as the “fat storage hormone,” basically helps to instruct your body that the sugar being processed needs to be stored for future energy, and over time, will be much more likely to lead to obesity than if the same calories had been consumed in another form.

The second type of carbs are complex carbohydrates. These are the ones found in whole grains, vegetables, etc. The advantage with complex carbohydrates is that their complex structure means that it takes the body longer to process them to make them available for energy, so the need for insulin to process these sugars is a slow, steady process that doesn’t place the demands on the pancreas for immediate insulin that simple sugars do. Thus the pancreas is not stressed, the insulin doesn’t tell the body that the sugars are best converted to fat, and the body receives a slow, consistent dose of energy over time, avoiding those “crash” headaches, fatigue, etc.

The intake of simple sugars should be limited. Instead, you should seek out complex carbs for as much of your energy calories as possible.

Stay tuned for our next post … covering proteins.

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Basic diet — part 2 — Proteins

Usually when someone says “proteins,” most people think of meat. There are other sources of protein, however. Proteins are basically complexes that are made up of a variety of amino acids. Some amino acids can be manufactured by the body, while others cannot. The ones your body cannot produce on its own are referred to as “essential amino acids” because you must obtain them through food or your body simply won’t have access to them.

Animal proteins contain all of the essential amino acids, which is why meat has come to be considered a primary protein source. There are several down-sides to consuming animal protein, however. Especially if you eat too much animal protein, the processing of it by your body will produce excess acid, leading to an acidic body condition. Acidic body conditions can lead to a whole host of problems, while simply keeping your body alkaline can help prevent many conditions. This is a rather complex issue which we will cover in more detail in future posts. Other problems linked with consuming animal protein are the high levels of saturated fats, and the high incidence of treating animals with hormones and antibiotics by the meat-producing industry, and the levels of pesticide that are often ingested through animal protein because of the treatment of feed crops.

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Those who eat animal protein can help balance the pH of their body in several ways, but the most direct is to eat only as much meat as needed and balance that with alkaline-producing foods. Avoiding hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides is made easier by the availability of organic, grass-fed livestock. While the cost of organic meats is higher, if you consume only as much meat as needed, that will produce some dollar savings, and at the same time, you can avoid paying medical costs down the road and enjoy a healthier body. There are ways to save on organic foods as well.

Some plants provide protein as well. Different plants are made of different amino acids so that, when combining different types of plant protein (such as grains with beans), the amino acid complexes will complement one another and the body will have access to “complete” proteins. The body can store amino acids and use them later as needed to manufacture its proteins, so these foods do not need to be consumed at the same meal.

However, excess plant proteins can make the body over-acidic just as animal proteins can. For this reason, the same care should be taken to eat alkaline-producing foods to balance out plant proteins as well.

Good sources of animal protein include meats, fish, eggs, and dairy. Plant protein sources include beans and bean products, seeds, nuts, and whole grains.

Proteins are closely connected to the subject of our next post, which will cover fats and oils.

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Basic diet — part 3 — Fats and Oils

While some people who are dieting strive to cut out ALL fats and oils, this truly is not a healthy choice. Some vitamins are fat-soluble, and can only be absorbed and used when the body has access to fats. Fats are essential to building and maintaining healthy cells, and they are also a source of ready energy to the body.

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There are two basic types of fat. The first is saturated fat — any fat that remains solid at room temperature. Saturated fats include animal fat, lard, butterfat, coconut oil, etc. Most people get the highest levels of saturated fat in their diets from consuming animal proteins and from processed foods that use saturated fats in their ingredient list. Consumption of saturated fats leads to higher cholesterol, increased blood pressure, and laying down of fatty deposits in the arteries, all of which can lead to heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. It is of the greatest importance to know what kinds of fats you are consuming and cut down on the sources of saturated fats as much as possible.

An important factor to remember is that the food given to livestock will affect the levels of saturated fats found in animal products. Grass-fed beef is lower in saturated fats than commercially fed beef. Chickens allowed to graze on pasture lay eggs that are lower in cholesterol and higher in omega-3 essential fatty acids than those kept caged and fed a commercial mixture.

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Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature, and include most plant oils. Popularly available products are olive oil, vegetable oil, corn oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, etc. Because they are liquid at room temperature, unsaturated fats also flow freely inside the body as well. These are the healthiest choice for dietary sources of fat. Among the most healthful choices of the ones we have listed above are olive oil.

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Look for cold-pressed organic cooking oil. It is important to avoid heat-processing of oils, as that causes the chemical structure of fats to change. It is always best to use oils at the lowest temperatures possible as well.

Nuts and seeds are also good sources of fats. Whole fresh almonds are especially beneficial. There are also a wide selection of nut butters available (not just peanut, which isn’t a nut at all!), although these typically have a shorter shelf life and must be mixed before each use, they are worth the effort.

Do check ALL labels for “trans-fat.” In the US, all foods must disclose their level of trans-fat. However, be aware that if a serving provides less than .5 gram, it can legally be listed as “no trans-fat” which isn’t quite true, and can still add up to health problems if you consume too much of a product. We will address this further in upcoming posts, since this series is intended to be a simple guide to nutrition, but watch especially for the most common causes, such as “partially hydrogenated” fats and oils.

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Butter is also beneficial, in moderation. This is the key to all fat consumption (indeed, to almost all food consumption) … moderation. The more variety you can introduce to your diet, eating all foods in moderation, the healthier you will be.

Our next post will include some information on minerals and vitamins.



Raman Kumar

Blogger, Writer, Affiliate Marketing, Make money online, digital marketing, work from home.